Sunday, February 15, 2009

Firecracker and Dixie Rose

When you start, if you are extremely lucky, the calf, in this case Dixie Rose Delux, will be laying peacefully, munching on some straw. While at the same time, her stall neighbor, aka Firecracker, will be catching an early morning snooze.

Naturally. As soon as you get situated to snag the cutest of cute pictures, calf number 2, Firecracker, will hop up, deciding to fore go her siesta, in favor of chewing on the delectable denim of your work jeans.

Which will of course cause her neighbor, the original calf Rose, to leap to her feet, to try and get in on the action.

Cause after all, denim is the best tasting substance on the planet right?
With Rose munching on the available denim, what is a little Firecracker to do, but go after the next best thing?

Flannel of course!

Or perhaps the camera strap!

Leading me to the conclusion...if at first you don't succeed...

Fire your assistants!

And then hide all evidence that you tried in the first place!

Or post it on your blog for all to enjoy a nice laugh!

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